Friday, September 30, 2011

The Week in Five

This week in five is brought to you by a dear friend from university who has seen me through many crazy projects, late nights printing hearts on t-shirts and pioneered more baking adventures than I can count.  In her words "these are some of the little adventures that I have gone on this week in the search to try and spend my time hunting for things to add spark on my holidays":
1. So excited about turning this fresh batch of berries into little treats that I couldn't keep still for the shot.
2. Not my creation but a delight to eat and photograph
3. Art & About laneway artwork: A life-sized Isidro Blasco work.  The sprinkling rain kept people away which made this work all the more wondrous. 
4. I received this book of patterns from a close friend, with this page flagged as a starting point.
5. I am getting acquainted with this amazing object, only 5 more shots till I can get the film developed.
Here's to more berries, pandas and unfolding laneways over the long weekend!


Jia Ping said...

+1 to Art & About - so excited to map out a list of must-see/do & the Yashica Electro 35 cameo. Ah, if only I were an Arts student!

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