Monday, January 14, 2013

Nesting, Part 2

An quiet afternoon, in pictures.
The city gets this peachy glow just as the sun's going down - it's a magical view to come home to when you catch it.
Happy mail on my dining table.  Yes I work in silicon valley and still own a physical address book.  Yes that is panda bottom post-its.  Yes alright that is a pen in the shape of a dog.
Laundry, which I now know how to do.  I am officially a master of squirreling away my quarters.  No more running to the corner store for change with clothes sopping in fabric softener for me! 
I got way too much satisfaction out of this mac n cheese for dinner (organic from Whole Foods, which totally makes it ok) and a glass of red.
Small pieces to make up home.


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