Sunday, November 25, 2012

New home

Well, the outside of it anyway.

I was not enough of a dork to whip out my camera at the apartment viewing, but I *was* excited enough to take a quick snap of it from down the street.  So pretty!  My little spot is one of the windows facing out at the top.  I've also included an immortalisation of the last exhausted breakfast I had at Starbucks, just an hour before I went to go see this place.  The coffee chain deserves a special shout out for acting as my temporary office between viewings, what with its wifi and coffee that isn't great but at least isn't drip.
Ok, so I admit I enjoyed the bagels.  It's hard to get a bagel wrong.
Corner of Pacific and Fillmore, and only a quick little walk to the Goog shuttle stop!  Perfection.
Oh and the sun!  The sun floods into the little studio I am to call home.  Makes all the difference.


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