Sunday, June 17, 2012

Design and Thinking

A colleague over in the US recently got selected to participate in the Leading by Design Fellows Program at the California College of the Arts.  It's one of the first of its kind in the US which teaches design thinking and strategy to business leaders, and is an extension of 'Design and Thinking' - a documentary that came out recently -

“Why is it that big huge corporations get beaten by kids in garages?” 

I must admit I find this oddly validating and all the more thankful for the way my life's dots have joined up.  Whenever I explain my education background vs what I'm doing now I always have a mix of people thinking that I've either sold out or assuming I have this pent-up unused 'creativity', but in my mind I'm constantly applying all the strategic thinking and problem solving that I learnt at university - and definitely more than I would be if I were a 'designer' pushing out graphics for some corporation.

I think this is what the garage kids call living the dream.


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