C made me feel midly guilty about the shoes I bought the other day (from the final reductions rack at
Gary Castles, how could I resist?) so I decided to document five things I
didn't buy this weekend, as a record of my sensibility (ha!).
1. Stumbled upon Isabel Marant in a second-hand store and was dying of excitement until I realised it wasn't in my size. I am so obsessed with her, love these photos of her in her studio. |
2. Fuelled by that find I went to go see her latest collection at The Corner Shop, and that's when I remembered that I can never justify any of her pieces at full price. |
3. Haigh's award winning milk chocolate in a panda shape. I love food in the shape of animals and racked my brain for ages thinking of a reason I could buy this little guy for someone, before eventually putting him back on the shelf with his other chocolate friends. |
4. A bucket of avocados from Harris Farm - for some reason produce always looks so much more appealing to me when it's piled up in a tiny bucket, but there is also no way that C and I have the capacity to eat five avocados within the week without having some kind of guacamole party. |
5. The final thing that I always want to buy but never do is anything pink or with a heart shape on it - these magical pants are made out of some kind of super-soft fleece and they look so comfortable I know I would never want to take them off, although C would probably lose all respect for me. |
See, I'm saving money every day I tells ya. Hahahahaha.
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