Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I change the way I feel about Facebook every day, but love it or hate it there are few among us who can resist trolling around the photos and updates of our 'friends'.  If you're a regular visitor to this ol' blog you'd also know that I love a good quote, hence I thought I'd pull three out of different friends' statuses, that they also posted in different ways:

1. A dear friend posted this from Louie Schwartzberg, via a TED talk she'd just watched:

2. Another friend re-shared this from another Facequoter:

3. This was the beginning of a status update of a friend, who was just finishing up a European trip visiting family with her new daughter.  I just love that "Emotions are always new" - so great.

Hope your own News Feeds are just as enlightening this week!  Either that or it's at least full of really good mobile uploads.


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