Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fold your socks, ok?

I am sure the world does not need yet. another. take. on the this book sweeping the nation/s, but as a newly turned Konvert I can't help but do a little gushing, as you might expect from anyone who has recently joined a borderline cult*.  I don't even bundle my socks anymore, it's all about folding them gently so they have a chance to rest (I wish I was joking).

Following Marie Kondo's method falls into two parts - firstly discarding, and then once you've completed that you can begin re-ordering; I am almost through the first part, but have cheated and simultaneously started with some of the second.  There are enough reviews and synopses out there to give you an idea of what she's is all about (or the book itself is a very quick read) hence I thought I'd stick to sharing one particular highlight I enjoyed from adopting her methods:

Hang clothes on a hanger, if they look happier that way, and then arrange them from dark to light because “clothes, like people, can relax more freely when in the company of others who are very similar in type, and therefore organizing them by category helps them feel more comfortable and secure.”

The 'before' picture.  If you only do one thing for your wardrobe this year...
...seriously just go, now (and I really do mean right now) and buy yourself a set of matching hangers, purge and then re-hang all of your clothes in this way.  These were seriously the best $25 I have spent this year!
Be sure to purge your clothes beforehand, according to her methods - holding each item in hand and throwing out anything that does not bring you joy and "does not fall into one of three categories: currently in use, needed for a limited period of time, or must be kept indefinitely."

Ouffff - breathe it all out as you cut the fat!  Your wardrobe will feel lighter and you will too.

*A quick reminder: I have also been known to SoulCycle and CrossFit, so I am very susceptible to borderline cults in general.  Also, it should be known that I do live in a tiny studio apartment by myself; if I lived with company or moreover had bebes... well, I'll just have to report back on how that goes :)


Kate said...

I can't believe we haven't spent hours on this. Have also stopped sock folding. Help me...

Lorna Diwa said...

Ahhh! Of course you have. Next topic on our agenda for sure, right after #everythingcharlie #spanishreader

Lorna Diwa said...

Ahhh! Of course you have. Next topic on our agenda for sure, right after #everythingcharlie #spanishreader

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