Spring has now sprung! Roses on one of my weekend runs. |
This past Tuesday marked six months being here. I'm not counting down, but more chalking up how long it's been that I've called this fair city 'home'.
The contrast of New York a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about how much of a little San Francisco citizen I have become: I get frustrated at people who don't compost, love kale and I have an opinion on Mexican food. I check the weather obsessively and expect it to be warm all the time but do carry a scarf around for the inevitable late afternoon chill. Inviting a friend to sit around in Dolores Park on a sunny afternoon is totally a thing, and there will be a guy there, set with a card table, offering relationship advice for free. Maybe he'll be naked.
As for work, a 6:50am alarm to catch the late shuttle is considered a sleep in, you have to get in early if you want to catch the strawberries in the kitchen and I have a preferred yoga class. Most importantly, I lived my management principle of hiring people who smarter than me, and now have the Best. Team. Ever. who I am wildly thankful for. They are forgiving of the ways I'm still trying to figure it all out, and we like to high-five a lot. I still feel out of my depth more often than not, but I'm keeping my head above water and no matter what kind of day I had, the golden view of the city when I walk into my apartment door always makes everything ok.
I really like you, new place. Looking forward to the next six and beyond.