Thursday, August 30, 2012

Merely an indication

Came across this 'article on saying no' - basically a comprehensive run down of how you can stick to more 'hell yeahs'.  Nothing ground breaking but I loved how she articulated this:

"...the first part of learning to say NO is learning to accept that offers and opportunities are merely an indication that you’re on the right path - not that you’ve arrived at a final destination you can never find again."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Be brave

Flowers from a friend.

"Be brave enough to break your own heart."

From one of the classic Dear Sugar columns I was re-reading recently.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend trip to wine country

Just got back from a quick trip to the Hunter Valley as part of an early birthday present for C.  As the weekend was for him, I tried lambs brains French-style for the first time here, and I also discovered golf isn't as boring as it looks; I became obsessive with finding other people's lost balls - it sort of became like a weird easter egg hunt for me.

And of course, we bought wine.
We came...
We tried some wine...
We probably bought too much of it.
The glorious drive home.
With a happy belly, it's time for bed.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Or to not MBA?  That is the question.

A distracted sketch during a short course I did.
Relatively unhelpful articles on this crop up all the time.  I still stand by the fact that whether or not to take one up is a personal decision.  I for my own life am still navigated towards a 'no' but I had a funny conversation with a pretty senior guy at work about this the other day that I wanted to capture.

There I was at lunch, mulling over some relatively consuming doubts about whether or not I was more likely to hit a wall at le Goog without having done one.  This regional director took the seat across from me so I told him what was on my mind -

Him: You're forgetting that people do MBAs to get a great job that they love.  Do you have a great job that you love?
Me: Yes...
Him: Well, okay then.

Not advice for everyone, but the right advice for me right now.  Sometimes it just hinges on who happens to sit next to you over lunch.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday links

I actively crave the misschu vegan rice paper rolls to the point where I have sometimes planned my week around when I can eat them next.
Been a big week, what better way to end it than to troll the internet.

There's an equally hilarious part 2 to moving to San Francisco.  Hayes Valley was actually the first choice that I had in mind and this article cements my decision (obnoxious food-loving instagramer anyone?  I couldn't have described myself better).  Speaking of which, cannot get enough of these rich kids.  It's the hash tags that push me over the edge, my only misgiving is that it's not updated regularly enough #getonmylevel #wealth.

On the other end of the cultural scale, I loved this brilliant interview with Elizabeth Gilbert (still such a huge fan of that TED talk).  "I want to look out my window and see indefensible amounts of beauty".  So great.

With thoughts of moving cities, making new friends was on C's mind - this New Yorker article is one of the best I've read on something I think we all sometimes feel a little anxious about.  And on that, I love these five guys.

Hope your Sunday was good to you, and now to bed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Decide that you want it

Currently above my desk as the 'freaking out' stage starts to kick in - from Bill Cosby.
Hell yeahs in full force, I've still neglected this patch on the internet of late - but with the good reason that this hilarious article is no longer just something that I laugh at but actually take advice from.

New role and new city to call home come October.  Hell yeah!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hell yeah

Things I have said 'hell yeah' to include a brownie for breakfast here.

Read this article a week ago, but clearly need to revisit it, as this blog is on the 'hell yeah' list but has gone so neglected.

Change the way you say 'yes' for better decision making - that is, there is no more yes - only 'no' or 'hell yeah!'  Effective immediately coming into this week.

Happy Sunday y'all.